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(08-02-2018) Science confirms: Inflammation is the underlying cause of almost ALL disease – Here are some natural ways to avoid it

(Natural News) Inflammation isthe cause of almost all disease, according to an article published on the Fortunately, there are natural ways on how to avoid it.

Inflammation is thebody’s response to heal after an injury, defend itself against foreign invaders, like bacteria and viruses, and repair damaged tissue. Without it, the wounds or injuries could become infected and may even lead to a fatal condition. It is usually characterized by redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function. There are two types of inflammation – acute and chronic. When an inflammation occurs only for a few days, it is called acute inflammation. However, when the inflammation is long-term or lasts for months or years, it is called chronic inflammation. This means that the cells in the body are constantly under attack. Chronic inflammationoccurs in response to unwanted substances in the bodylike the toxins from cigarettes or an excess of fat cells. A person who experiences chronic inflammation ages faster and gets sick more easily. This type of inflammation is deadly. In some diseases, the immune systemsfights against healthy cells by mistake, leading to harmful inflammatory responses. The body is fighting itself instead of an actual disease or injury.

Chronic inflammation is a problem that is directly associated to the top deadly diseases in the world – heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and diseases of the gut. Chronic inflammation has also been linked to the deterioration of bone health, mental illnesses, and lung conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung infections. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and other ancient medicinal traditions never prescribe an antidote without fully understanding the cause of a disease, unlike modern medicine. Modern medicines cause side effects and ruin the gut microbiota. They also lead to even more chronic inflammation.

Natural tips on how to avoid chronic inflammation
Fortunately, inflammation can be avoided or prevented in natural ways. One of these is by including naturally powerful, anti-inflammatory herbs. These include turmeric,ginger, Manuka honey,green tea, white willow bark, olive leaf extract,cloves, chili peppers,black peppers, frankincense, bark from maritime pine tree, cat’s claw, pepper,rosemary, ginger, and cinnamon. These herbs will help reverse chronic inflammation in the body very fast.

Another natural way to fight chronic inflammation is by adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet. In this diet, refined sugar and processed oils like corn and canola oil, are eliminated as these two things worsen chronic inflammation. Including fresh organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, beans, sprouts, whole grains, and healthy oils that are rich in omega 3s – coconut oil or hemp seed oil, helps in reducing inflammation.

Another tip is to reduce stress. Stress causes an imbalance in the digestive tract in which bad bacteria take over the good ones, resulting in inflammation. It also increases cortisol levels which exhausts the immune system and result to chronic inflammation of all tissues in the body. Therefore, lowering your stress levels can stop chronic inflammation as soon as possible. Stress levels can be reduced by getting enough quality sleep, eating healthy food, taking herbal supplements, and doing meditation, exercise, yoga, Tai Qi, or mindful breathing. (Related:Chronic Inflammation 101 – Everything you need to know (and how to eliminate it).)

Read more stories on natural ways of treating diseases

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