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Le ricerche di Gerona 2005

(30-08-2018) The electronics in fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes (LED), rather than ultraviolet radiation, cause increased malignant melano

The epidemiology of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) has a number of facets that do not fit with sunlight and ultraviolet light as the primary etiologic agents. Indoor workers have higher incidence and mortality rates of CMM than outdoor workers; CMM occurs in body locations never exposed to sunlight; CMM incidence is increasing in spite of use of UV blocking agents and small changes in solar radiation.

Installation of two new fluorescent lights in the milking parlor holding area of a Minnesota dairy farm in 2015 caused an immediate drop in milk production. This lead to measurement of body amperage in humans exposed to modern non-incandescent lighting. People exposed to old and new fluorescent lights, light emitting diodes (LED) and compact fluorescent lights (CFL) had body amperage levels above those considered carcinogenic. We hypothesize that modern electric lighting is a significant health hazard, a carcinogen, and is causing increasing CMM incidence in indoor office workers and tanning bed users. These lights generate dirty electricity (high frequency voltage transients), radio frequency (RF) radiation, and increase body amperage, all of which have been shown to be carcinogenic. This could explain the failure of ultraviolet blockers to stem the malignant melanoma pandemic. Tanning beds and non-incandescent lighting could be made safe by incorporating a grounded Faraday cage which allows passage of ultraviolet and visible light frequencies and blocks other frequencies. Modern electric lighting should be fabricated to be electrically clean.



  • (30-08-2018) The electronics in fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes (LED), rather than ultraviolet radiation, cause increased malignant melanoma incidence in indoor office workers and tanning bed users

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  • (30-08-2018) Mitocondri e peso forma

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  • (29-08-2018) Stroke now impacting younger patients as a result of the obesity epidemic; 4 in 10 are now aged 40-69

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  • (29-08-2018) Perdere peso non vuol dire perdere osso!

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  • (29-08-2018) Brain cholesterol: long secret life behind a barrier.

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  • (29-08-2018) Stile di vita sano? Si può, basta usare la fantasia

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  • (22-08-2018) Top 10 medical treatments that can make you SICKER than before you took them

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  • (22-08-2018) Meno ansia - C’è una associazione tra dieta e disturbi mentali?

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  • (22-08-2018) Dietary curcumin supplementation attenuates inflammation, hepatic injury and oxidative damage in a rat model of intra-uterine growth retardation.

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  • (22-08-2018) Dopo la gravidanza - Una dieta a basso indice glicemico se serve perdere peso

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  • (21-08-2018) Sleep Disturbances Can Be Prospectively Observed in Patients with an Inactive Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

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  • (21-08-2018) Anche i neo-papà soffrono della depressione post partum

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