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(19-07-2018) How maca can make your day much better

(Natural News) Ever had one of those days where by the end of it you’re ready to crawl from the couch onto the bed, and sleep for 12 hours? Or maybe you’re one of those people who feel that way as soon as you wake up, or by mid afternoon (after the caffeine has worn off from the morning coffee), or virtually all day. This certainly makes a day drag on, and cuts into your enjoyment of living your day to day life.

Although this kind of scenario is quite common, it doesn’t have to be that way. Eliminating a few energy destructive foods and adding in a couple that increase and sustain it may be all that is needed to make your day a little bit brighter.

Maybe maca is just what the doctor ordered.

What is maca?

Maca is a root vegetable found in the high Andes of Peru, and is widely considered one of the most nutritionally dense superfoods the planet has to offer. With the mineral rich soil it grows in along with its harsh living conditions, it’s a bonafide source of nutrition and has highly adaptogenic qualities.

What can you expect to get when you consume a high quality maca?Check out this nutritional profile:

Contains over 20 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids
14% protein (by weight)
Very rich in vitamin C, and a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, and riboflavin
Excellent source of copper, and rich in iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium.
Rich source of antioxidants
Due to it’s rich nutrient profile and adaptogenic qualities,maca can support:

Energy and stamina levels
Healthy libido
Adrenal function
Cognitive function
Many people take maca in their smoothies or in a hot beverage to get their day started in the right way. Personally, my favorite ways to enjoy maca is through theHappy Hormone Smoothie, or theCocoa Kickstart. You can even have the smoothie for breakfast and take the hot beverage in the car on the way to work.

However you decide to incorporate this nutrient dense and high profile superfood into your life, make sure you get a high quality source that is free of various contaminants. The last thing you want to do is purchase a superfood powder with the intent of boosting your health, only to find it is tainted with toxins. This is why using theHealth Ranger’s Select 100% Organic Maca Root Powderis the safest bet, with laboratory testing used to ensure the purest andmost effective maca productfor you and your body.

You can bet that the start of your day is about to get a whole lot better, with maca in your corner.

(Related: For more information on superfoods, visit

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