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La bibliografia di Gerona 2005

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"L'informazione presente nel sito serve a migliorare, e non a sostituire, il rapporto medico-paziente."

Per coloro che hanno problemi di salute si consiglia di consultare sempre il proprio medico curante.

Brain-Building Nutrition

Michael A. Schmidt - 2001

A remarkable but little-known fact is that your brain is nearly 60 percent fat. Almost every aspect of your brain's structure and performance is dependent upon obtaining the right fats and oils throughout your life. We've come to accept that building muscle requires protein and building bone requires calcium. Now, Dr. Schmidt reveals the extraordinary ways in which specific fats are needed to build and maintain a healthy brain. Fats and oils have the power to change who you are by affecting mood, behavior, learning, memory, movement, sensation, and virtually every aspect of brain function. Brain-Building Nutrition contains practical information about healthy and harmful fats, the signs of fatty acid deficiency, and foods that protect the brain. Softcover. 300 pages.

Frog Ldt

Sports Speed

Dintman-Ward-Telletz - 1998

Whether you're an athlete looking for an edge on the competition or a coach looking to improve your athletes' individual or team performance, Sports Speed shows you how to train for maximum speed and quickness. Create individual and sports-specific speed training programs for a wide variety of sports, including basketball, football, baseball/softball, soccer, hockey, tennis, rugby, track and field, and many more.

Human Kinetics

La Zona anti-età

Barry Sears - 2001

Mantenersi in forma per tutta la vita? E' il testo che fa per voi. Sicuramente uno dei libri da consultare per mantenere con la dieta a zona (che ripetiamo non è solo uno stile alimentare) una salute psico-fisica ottimale. Libro tecnico, ma con linguaggio chiaro ed esaustivo.

Sperling & Kupfer

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