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(18-02-2018) 4 benefits of using Himalayan salt

(Natural News) Salt therapy has been around for decades, where people flock to salt caves and salt mines to inhale the purified air and heal their many ailments. However, not all people have the time to travel to these caves to enjoy the benefits of pure mineral salts.

Luckily there are other locations where unrefined mineral salts can be mined. One of these is the Himalayas, the peaks of which used to be submerged in seawater that evaporated over millennia and all of its minerals crystallized under the sun to form Himalayan salt.

Himalayan salt is totally different from the bleached and processed table salt that most people use daily; it contains 84 trace minerals, which makes it exponentiallyhealthier than table saltthat has been extensively processed, stripping it clean of its natural minerals.

If you don’t have the time or energy to visit salt caves for a dose of healthy mineral salts, you can opt to replace the table salt from your kitchen with Himalayan salt, which has the following health benefits:

Himalayan salt aids in weight loss– Trading your shaker of table salt for Himalayan salt will help you to better digest your food, due to the nutrients in Himalayan salt that can increase the ability of our gastrointestinal tract to absorb other nutrients. Better digestion means you’ll feel less hungry, which is good news for those who are actively trying to shed off some pounds.
Himalayan salt makes you sleep easier– Himalayan salt causes your body to produce more oxytocin – a hormone responsible for relaxing and calming your mind and body. Of course, the more relaxed you feel, the better you’ll be able to sleep.
Himalayan salt supports heart health– Himalayan salt helps keep your blood pressure stable. While it does have a high sodium content, replacing your processed table salt with Himalayan salt will help your body process the minerals. Your system, in turn, won’t need as much water to clear out the excess sodium, which means you won’t retain as much water in your body. Remember that natural is always better than processed and the same holds true for salt.
Himalayan salt prevents dehydration– Your body uses up a lot of the water in your system to wash off excess sodium in your body, which may lead to dehydration. If you get dehydrated enough, you can develop dizziness, headaches, constipation, and even kidney stones. The good news is that Himalayan salt is about 85 percent sodium chloride with the other 15 percent being potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as bicarbonate. These particular minerals are all electrolytes that are necessary for regulating bodily fluids. Mix some Himalayan salt with water to create a sole, a brine solution that can provide the body with electrolytes to regulate hydration, like mixing your very own sports drink.
Another great benefit you can get from mixing Himalayan salt and water is throughsalt and mineral baths. They are a great way to relax at the end of the day while simultaneously infusing the skin and body with moisture and minerals. Through the process of dermal absorption, your skin can soak up minerals from the water. Additionally, a warm bath infused with Himalayan salt is great for soothing cramped muscles. The trace minerals found in Himalayan salt, particularly magnesium, are absorbed through the skin, healing damaged muscle, and other soft tissues. Minerals in Himalayan salt also work to fortify bones, skin, and connective tissues that may contribute to body soreness.

Soaking up on a Himalayan salt bath is, for all intents and purposes, an excellent way todetoxify your body. When dissolved in water, Himalayan salt becomes an ionic solution that helps to draw the toxins out of your skin and body, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized to face the day’s challenges.

Find out other ways to enjoy the many benefits of Himalayan salt by visitingHealingArts.newstoday.

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